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It's Time!!!

We are beyond excited to announce that Storm Sleepers are now available! We have worked hard to make sure the Storm Sleeper has the best fabrics and features possible. They look amazing! They are very soft and comfy, and the antimicrobial fabric doesn't attract lint or pet hair. We put a lot of time into getting these ready - we wanted to make sure that we got everything right for our customers who have been so patient and supportive along this journey. We are thrilled to have the Storm Sleeper available in time for the holidays, and we think it is the perfect gift. Everyone deserves time to relax, unwind and destress - we think relaxation is the best gift that we can give to each other. Please let us know if you have any questions about the Storm Sleeper or about our journey. Thank you for supporting the Storm Sleeper! Get ready to relax! #GivetheGiftofRelaxation #PersonalRelaxationShelter #StormSleeper

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